Contact of Embassies in Hungary (information about the entry visas)

Royal Saudi Embassy in Budapest - Hungary

  • Address: 1016 Budapest, Bérc u. 16.
  • Phone: +36/1-436-9500, +36/1-436-9501
  • Fax: +36/1-453-3554
  • E-mail:
  • Website

Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain (accredited from Berlin)

  • Address: Klingelhöferstr. 7, 10785 Berlin
  • Phone: +49/30-8687-7777
  • Fax: +49/30-8687-7788
  • E-mail:
  • Website

Embassy of the Republic of Yemen in Budapest - Hungary

  • Address: 1026 Budapest, Bimbó út 179/A.
  • Phone: +36/1-212-3991; +36/1-325-5133
  • Fax: +36/1-212-3883
  • E-mail:

Consular Section contact information:

  • Address: Ahmad At Tunisi Str. 23., Al-Waha district, Riyadh – 12444 - see the map under "Contacts"
  • Coordinates: N 24,733612 - E 46,692363
  • E-mail: (English, Hungarian) or (Arabic, English)
  • Phone: +966/(11)-454-6707 (currently not working)
  • Fax: +966/(11)-456-0834
  • Working hours: Tuesday/Thursday between 10:00am and 2:00pm on appointment booked via


Payments for consular services are only available by deposit to the bank account.

The Consulate is closed on Hungarian and Saudi public holidays.

I. Visa services

Saudi, Bahraini, Omani and Yemeni nationals, as well as third country nationals legally residing in these countries and in case of their country of origin has no visa waiver agreement with Hungary are required to apply for a Visa to Hungary.

We kindly inform all visitors that on the basis of bilateral agreements, the Hungarian Consular Section in Riyadh issues short term “C”-type Schengen visa in representation for citizens residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also to Lithuania and Slovakia.

1.) “C”-type, short term (less than 90 days) Schengen visa applications

About C visa applications please contact one of the VFS Global Visa Application Centre:

VFS Global–Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Riyadh, in Jeddah, and in Al-Khobar, or in specific cases - after prior consultation - at the Consular Section of the Embassy.

VFS Global–Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Manama

Visa representation - Lithuania

Travelling to Lithuania

The state of national emergency due to the threat of the spread of COVID-19 is declared in the Republic of Lithuania. During the national emergency special rules are applicable, limiting the entry to the Republic of Lithuania of foreign nationals. It is strongly advised for all travelers to make sure that they comply with the entry requirements and are aware of testing and isolation exemptions before travel. All relevant information  is provided on the website of the National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania: FOR ARRIVALS FROM ABROAD | National Public Health Center under the Ministry of Health (

Schengen visa information

Schengen States issue uniform visas for short stay visit not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period. The Schengen visa may be issued for a single entry (as a rule for the 1st time visitors of the Schengen area), for two entries, or as a multiple entry visa in case the applicant proves the need or justifies the intention to travel frequently as well as proves his/her integrity and reliability, in particular the lawful use of previous Schengen visas, etc. (as per Schengen Visa Code, Article 24).

If your travel destination is only Hungary, or – in case of a Saudi or Bahrain resident - Lithuania, the Hungarian Embassy in Riyadh will deal with your application. If your travel destination includes more than one Schengen Member State, your application must be dealt by the Embassy/Consulate of your main destination. The following criteria may help you to decide whether you should submit your visa application with the Hungarian Visa Application Centre.

  • Hungary, or - in case of a Saudi or Bahrain resident - Lithuania is the sole destination of your visit(s);
  • Your visit to Schengen States includes more than one destination and Hungary or - in case a Saudi or Bahrain resident - Lithuania is the main destination of the visit(s) in terms of the length or purpose of stay;
  • If you cannot determine which is your main destination, but Hungary or Lithuania is the first Schengen State you wish to enter.

Please note that the Embassy of Hungary in Riyadh issues visas only for residents - or for applicants legally residing - in its territory of its responsibility, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, and the Republic of Yemen.

Submission of the Schengen visa application

VFS Global–Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Riyadh, in Jeddah, and in Al-Khobar, or in specific cases - after prior consultation - at the Consular Section of the Embassy.

VFS Global–Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Manama


The issuance of visas in Yemen is suspended for indefinite period due to the security conditions in Yemen.
The applicants are kindly asked to present their "C" -type Schengen visa applications for Hungary in Saudi-Arabia, or in case of difficulties with the entry to KSA, the applications can be submitted at the Consular Sections of any Hungarian Embassies in the region (Kuwait City, Abu Dhabi, or Amman), or at the Hungarian Embassy in Cairo.

For further information about the “C” type Schengen Visas and the visa procedure, please read more detailed material in our website on the “Related pages” bar.

2.) “D” type, long term (planned stay exceeds 90 days, e.g. studies), “national” residence permit visa applications

Working hours for submitting the application (personal presence is requested): Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Consular Section of the Hungarian Embassy in Riyadh.

For more information on other long-term visa types, requirements and appendix it is kindly asked to consult the site of the Office of Immigration and Nationality.

3.) Submitting an appeal

Working hours for submission an appeal (personal presence is required) : Tuesday/Thursday from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Consular Section of the Hungarian Embassy in Riyadh.

For the current GDPR (Data protection) rules and regulations regarding Hungarian Visa cases, please visit the following website:

II. General Consular Services

Please note that a prior appointment has to be booked for each consular affair by mail at any of these addresses: (English, Hungarian) or (Arabic, English), except

  • Collection of passports
  • Authentication or legalisation
  • Collection of documents

Working hours for the clients at the Consular Section of the Hungarian Embassy in Riyadh (personal presence is requested): TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm 

  • Passports
  • Registration of birth, marriage and death, voluntary acknowledgement of paternity
  • Hungarian citizenship (naturalization, simplified naturalization, citizenship verification)
  • Authentication, legalisation
    • We inform our visitors that the Apostille Certificate issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman replaces the legalisation (attestation) of the Saudi documents.
  • Obtain documents from Hungary (Birth Certificate, Police Clearence Certificate, Certificate on family status)
  • Declaration of stay abroad

For detailed information about the General Consular Cases and the documents to be submitted please consult the Consular Services website.

III. Honorary Consuls of Hungary

Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Balázs Garamvölgyi

  • Address: Lari Park 2 Villa 28 Garden 131 Road 20, Block 522, Barbar, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Phone: +973/1779-2470
  • Mobile: +973/3333-9083
  • E-mail: balazs [at] and balazs [at]

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mr. Majed M. Sherbiny 

  • Tel: +966 13 801 0231
  • Fax: +966 13 801 0256
  • Mob: +966 55 864 1414
  • Email:

The Honorary Consul is not authorized for issuing travel documents and visas, nor for acting as notary and civil registrar. Their activity is mainly confined to safeguard the interest of Hungarian citizens, to provide consular information, and to enhance cultural and economic relations.